For Tradespeople

Get Connected

Building community for skilled tradespeople

For Employers

Get Connected

Connecting skilled tradespeople with employers

Trade-Up to a Social Platform Built Only for Trades.

TradesLink is a social networking platform for tradespeople. TradesLink builds community, connects employers with skilled tradespeople and fosters learning and development within the trades industries including Service, Industrial, Mode of Power and Construction.
TradesLink App
“The ECA acquisition and revitalization of TradesLink signifies our dedication to advancing skilled trades as a career of choice while supporting the industry with an innovative digital platform dedicated to the skilled trades workforce. We believe that TradesLink, will serve as a catalyst for collaboration, learning, and excellence within our community.”

David Johnson, President, Edmonton Construction Association

“TradesLink has single handedly saved my relationships with friends and family. I no longer have to bore them with pictures and stories about work because I can post about it there for people who actually care.”

Emily Pyke – Automotive Service Technician

“Tradeslink is the constructive community of empowerment the blue collar world needs.”

Matea Herauf – Product Application Specialist


The Professional Network for Tradespeople

TradesLink App